Dynomation-6™ Wave-Dynamics Engine Simulation
New Modeling Capabilities, Improved Accuracy, And Much More!
View Comparison Of Simulation Features
In 1993, early versions of Dynomation™ became widely recognized by professional engine builders and racers as a truly useful engine simulation, combining robust modeling with unprecedented ease of use. After nearly 30 years of successful application and a small fortune spent on further development, Dynomation-6™ is now available to engine professionals, automo tive engineers, and serious enthusiasts of 4-stroke engines.
Software Overview: Dynomation-6 lets you peer inside a running engine! It reveals (otherwise invisible) pressure waves and mass flow in cylinders and engine passages. Dynomation-6 will accurately display how much power an engine will produce, but it will also show you why it makes that power and where you should put your efforts to optimize performance!
Although Dynomation-6 is well known for accuracy and a feature-rich interface, it is remarkably easy to use. All engine components and specifications are clearly visible. Change components simply by clicking on any Direct-Click™ menu. Dynomation-6 is intuitive; it encourages you to “play” and explore your ideas. With Dynomation-6 you’ll quickly zero-in on the best combination of components for your application!
Dynomation-6 allows anyone to explore the effects of runner lengths, port taper-angles, header and collector dimensions, cam-timing interactions, and much more. No other device or computer program does a better job of helping you understand IC (internal combustion) mass flow and how it affects engine performance. Graphs display how pressures and flow velocities vary at the valve/chamber interface. Easy-to-read graphs and tables give you an unprecedented insight into why specific changes alter power and torque.
You can apply Dynomation-6 modeling to a virtually an unlimited range of engines, from humble single-cylinder engines to exotic V-12 racing powerplants. Design, build, and test a nearly 2000hp ProStock engine or design passenger-car daily drivers, Dynomation-6 will not only meet your engine simulation needs, it will become your most valuable development tool!
User Interface And Features: Despite the considerable modeling power in Dynomation-6, this engine simulation was built from the ground-up to be intuitive and easy to use, even for beginners exploring flow dynamics for the first time! Are we exaggerating? Not at all. Supplied with a clear 300+ page Users Manual, any user can learn how finite-amplitude pressure waves (over 10,000 times “louder” than the typical sound waves) move, change, and flow within the engine. For example, Dynomation-6 can visualize charge reversion on particle velocity graphs, clearly showing in-tune and out-of-tune conditions in the intake and exhaust passages. Because Dynomation-6 has been carefully crafted for ease of use (see our Feature-Focus: New Roll-Up Menus), it is one of the best educational tools to study engine pressure-wave dynamics available anywhere, hands down! And this fact is no better exemplified by the 3D, real-time rendered, cutaway engine that can be displayed within Dynomation-6.
Mass Flow Visualization: Dynomation-6 includes a 3D cutaway engine with piston, valve motion and gas-dynamic flow rendered in real-time and synchronized with the crank-angle results graphs. Simply drag the graph pointer on any crank-angle graph through the 720-degrees of the 4-Cycle process, and you‘ll see the engine move through its cycles, visualize mass flow, exhaust and intake pressure waves, flow velocities, and more! The 3D engine in Dynomation-6 helps you see the relationship between crank-angle graphs and actual engine flow.
Technical Overview: Dynomation-6 incorporates two distinct engine simulation models: 1) A Filling-And-Emptying (FE) simulation that provides fast mathematical solutions to engine physics, including flow analysis and common intake- and exhaust-manifold modeling, making this technique a uniquely powerful and rapid way to “ballpark” engine design with very good accuracy, and 2) A full Wave-Dynamics (WA) simulation that accurately predicts the complex pressure-wave dynamics and particle flow in intake and exhaust ducting. The Wave-Action model picks up where the Filling-And-Emptying method leaves off and “homes in” on the best port sizes, shapes, runner lengths, header-tubing sizes, cam timing, valve motion, and much more, providing unprecedented accuracy for the serious engine designer and builder.
The complete Dynomation-6 package includes a great deal more. You’ll also find hundreds of other features including: 1) rapid Iterative™ testing [explained below], 2) a comprehensive CamManager™ tool, 3) import CamPro, CamProPlus, S96, and CamDoctor profile cam files, also model and import 10-point cam files (Dynomation-6 comes with a comprehensive library of both 10-ponit and profile cam files), plus import cylinder-head-flow and engine files, 3) several built-in calculators for compression ratio, airflow conversion, rocker-arm math, cam-timing math, 4) multiple-engine analysis, side-by-side, and One-Click QuickComparisons™, 5) professional multi-page ProPrinting™ dyno-test reports, and more. This is the most accurate, capable, and complete engine simulation software package ever offered to the professional engine builder or avid enthusiast.
Automatic Updating: Dynomation-6 users steadily receive FREE updates that add powerful new features and general updates. As a Dynomation-6 user, you will benefit from continued software development by our dedicated engineering staff. Updates are distributed automatically over the Internet and insure that your simulation will use the latest technology and include new features requested by our loyal users. Find out more about Feature-Focus: Motion’s Automatic Updater.
Unique Motion Software Features: In addition to our advanced simulation technology, here are some additional features in Dynomation-6 that were designed and developed by Motion Software, Inc., and are unique to our simulations:
- Direct-Click™ Interface—We designed a completely unique user interface for our simulations. Engine components are organized on the left side of the main program screen. You can select/modify any part by simply clicking on it! Make selections from a popup menus or enter your own custom values. That‘s it! It’s all right there, visible at a glance: components specs on the left (see the above screen shot) and simulation results on the right. Our users really enjoy using our simulations, in part, because they are so easy to use!
- Fuel- And Charge-Flow Analysis lets you see and modify Intake Reversion, Charge Lost To Exhaust, Exhaust Spoilage Flow, and more (see our Feature-Focus: Dynomation-6 Charge-Flow Analysis).
Motion Updater™—Automatic, free updates are regularly rolled out to Dynomation-6 users (see our Feature-Focus: Motion’s Automatic Updater). We Really Listen to our users requests for new features and additional modeling capabilities. Over 100 updates have already been sent to Dynomation-6 users for FREE! You can‘t afford to use outdated software! That’s never an issue with Dyomation-6. - Iterator™ Automatic Testing—The QuickIterator™ and ProIterator™ testing tools add powerful automated testing and analysis for cam, induction, and other component selections. A few mouse clicks and Motion’s Iterator™ can “home in” on the best parts combination for you, automatically! Run hundreds or thousands of tests! The Iterator™ will perform all data analysis, keep track of all the results, and display the best combinations based on your testing criterion.
- DataZones™—Extends the graphic-display and data-analysis capabilities of Dynomation-6. Using this feature, you can add additional data “bands or fields” to graphs which mark ranges for target power values, label extreme pressures, excessive engine speeds, and more.
- ProPrinting™—Turns simulation results into a comprehensive “presentation” report of complete dyno-test data. ProPrinting™ features include custom graphics, a cover page with the name and address of your business (or your personal name and address) and logo, optional table of contents, optional text printed at the bottom of each page (can be a disclaimer, copyright notice or any other text you wish), optional comprehensive or “mini” glossaries, and a complete listing of all test data and results at each rpm test point, including additional engine-data values, pressures, forces, graphs, tables, and more. Give your customer a ProPrint™ report of the simulated engine you plan to build, and you’ll make an impression guaranteed to build your business!
Users Manual: Dynomation-6 is supplied with a 300+page, full-color, on-disk Users Manual (directly accessible from within the Dynomation-6) and a printed 16-page QuickStart guide that will get you going fast. You can download a copy of the Users Manual to review the capabilities of this software before you buy (a download link is provided at the top of this page).
Availability: For a limited time, your Dynomation-6 purchase includes our current CamDisk with 6000+ 10-point camfiles and our new COMP Lobe-Profile Library CD of 3500+ Cam-Profile files (combined $130 value, supplied FREE)! See our Order Form for pricing and more.
What You Can Do With Dynomation-6:
- Find The Optimum Cylinder Head Port Areas For Best Overall Power And Engine Response
- Accurately Determine The Best Cam Timing For Street, Racing, Any Special Application!
- Use New Fitter Routines To Precisely Model Cam Timing Specifications
- Find The Best Header Pipe Lengths, Junction Points, Diameters, and Collector Dimensions for Any Engine!
- Predicts Horsepower And Torque (and other engine data) With High Accuracy
- Analyze Pressure Waves And Their Effect On Power
- Display Intake And Exhaust Pressures, Flow Velocities, CDs, Port Areas, More!
- Display Cylinder Pressures Throughout 4-Cycle Process
- Build And Test Virtually Any 1- to 16-Cylinder, 4-Cycle Engine!
- Use Built-In Math Calculators (CR, Rocker-Arm, Airflow, Camshaft Timing, etc.)
- Make Easy Component Selections, Just Point And Click!
- Test Combustion Chambers, Ignition Timing Curves, Set Timing Curve For MBT
- Focus On “What You Want To See” Using Roll-Up Menus; Optimize Screen Space
- Use CamManager™ To Change Timing Specs And Display Cam-Lobe Characteristics
- Test Any Of The 6000 Supplied 10-Point Camfiles
- Also Test Over 3500+ Lobe Profile Files Included With Dynomation-6!
- Run Automatic Dyno-Testing Using Exclusive Motion Software Iterator™
- Test Alternate Fuels And Nitrous-Oxide Injection
- Model Spark-Ignition and Compression-Ignition (Diesel) Engines
- Model Static and A/F Ratio Maps/Tables
- Optimize Any Graph Display With One Click Of The Mouse
- Generate Impressive Pro-Print™ Reports With Your Logo, Address, More!
- Test Carburetors/Injection, Stock & Racing Manifolds
- Model Plenums, Runner Bellmouths, Forced Induction, Intercoolers
- View And Print Engine Pressures, Efficiencies
- View/Graph Flow CDs, Valve Curtain Areas, Lift Curves, More!
- Compare Multiple Engines, Use One-Click QuickCompare™
- Instantly Switch Between US & Metric Units, plus a Hybrid Selection!
- FREE Automatic Updates Ensure You Are Always Running
The Latest Version Of Dynomation-6!
Tune These Key Engine Components:
- Select The Simulation Model And Testing Characteristics
- Set/Modify Atmospheric Conditions During Test
- Bore, Stroke, Pin Offset, Rod Length, Rod Ratio
- Number Of Cylinders (1 to 16)
- Wedge, Canted, Hemi, Pentroof, 2-, 4- and 5-Valve Heads
- Intake And Exhaust Valve Sizes, Flowbench Test Valve Sizes And Pressure Drop
- 1, 2, Or 3 Valves Per Port
- Enter And/Or Import Flow-Bench Data
- Model Any Cylinderhead
- Modify Any Valve-Event (IVO, IVC, EVO, EVC, Plus Lifts)
- Model SAE-Standard Cam Timing (0.006/0.050-inch) Or Any Other US/Metric Standard!
- Directly Modify Lobe-Center Angles, Cam Advance/Retard
- Change Lash And Rocker Ratios, See Effects On Timing And Power!
- Compression Ratio From 6:1 to 30:1
- CR-Calculator Uses Volume (Burette) Measurements Or Known Values
- Various Stock And Racing Intake Manifolds And Exhaust-System Configurations
- Up To 7000cfm Peak Induction Flow
- Any Carburetor (multiple or single) or Fuel Injection
- Modify Intake/Exhaust Port Shapes And Areas
- Intake Runner-Length And Taper-Angle Analysis
- Common-Plenum or Individual-Runner Induction Systems
- Model Plenum Volume, Runner Shapes, Bellmouth Entrances
- Turbo And Roots/Screw Supercharger Pressures, A/R Ratios, Turbine Sizes
- Model Throttle Position Before Or After Turbo/Supercharger Inlet
- Roots, Centrifugal Belt Ratios, Intercooler Efficiency
- Several Fuels: Gasoline, Methanol, Propane, Diesel, Synthetic, More
- Nitrous-Oxide With Gasoline Or Methanol
- Exhaust Manifolds, Standard Headers, Megaphone Systems
- Model Mufflers, Catalytic-Converter Backpressure
- Exhaust Header Tubing Size, Steps, Lengths, Taper, Megaphones
- Straight Exhaust Pipes, 4-To-1 Headers, Tri-Y Headers, Many Combinations
- Collectors With Straight Pipes, Taper or Reverse-Taper Shapes
- Model Standard And Variable-Valve-Timing Systems (VTEC Method)
- Overhead Cam, Pushrod, Rocker, Rocker Ratios
- Modify Amy Valve-Event Timing Specifications
- Lobe Acceleration Analysis And Modeling Using New “Fitter” Algorithms
- Search 6000+ CamFiles In Seconds; Find Cams That Match Custom Timing!
- And Much More! Dynomation-6: Our Most Powerful And Accurate Simulation!
What The Pros Say About The Filling And Emptying and Wave-Dynamics Capabilities In Dynomation:
- Dynomation is the only engine simulation program that helps the individual understand the gas-exchange process. Warren Johnson, Engine designer, builder, ProStock Champion, (aka The Professor).
- We picked up a tenth and ten mph from changes we found in Dynomation. Jim McClure, Top-Fuel racer, record holder. First naturally aspirated 200-mph Harley-Davidson.
- I have worked with many good race teams, but rarely do you find one that grasps the concepts of pressure waves and taper. Dynomation gives you the ability to understand what is happening in the engine. You should never underestimate what that will teach you. Michael Marriott, Race engine builder for record-setting Australian cars, long-time Dynomation user, C&R Motorsport, Western Australia.
- The most revealing and thought provoking engine simulation that I have ever used! George Bryce, Three time world NHRA ProStock Motorcycle champion.
- The best of its kind on the market! Easy to use and it produces accurate results. David Vizard, professional race car driver and engine builder, member of SAE, author of countless magazine articles and almost 100 books on automotive performance.
- Remarkably accurate! John Baechtel, former Editor of Hot Rod and Car Craft Magazines, member of exclusive 200mph Bonneville Club.

New In Dynomation-6:
- Exhaust modeling in Wave-Action Sim supports eight primary elements, including three “primary” pipe sections, two collector sections, and a megaphone from which you can build virtually any header system you can imagine!
- New “Fitter™” math routines ensure exacting valve-motion and enhance simulation accuracy!
- Valve/Lifter acceleration modeling based on intuitive, real-world approach.
- Model SAE-Standard cam timing (0.006/0.050-inch lift) and cams using any other US/Metric Lift Standard or value.
- New synthetic fuels and Diesel modeling supported; CRs extended to 30:1.
- Improved Latent-Heat-Of-Vaporization modeling for all fuels.
- New intake runner-temperature modeling; perfect for “air-gap” and cold-runner manifolds.
- WA Optimum Simulation Cycles (a user entry in Dynomation-5) now automatically calculated at run time; input no longer required.
- Pressure-Wave and Cam-Dynamics Stability Indicators clearly draw your attention to modeling issues.
- Wave-Action Simulation now supports Manifold Plenums, Spacers, and Runner Bellmouths.
- FE accuracy enhanced; now displays pressure waves and particle flow velocities, but still automatically determines Intake/Exhaust runner dimensions (sizes selected are displayed in the SimLog)!
- Modeling in Filling-And-Emptying Sim includes new Exhaust options including steps, Tri-Ys, and tubing size prediction.
- Iterator™ enhanced, includes searches for optimum Intake Runner-Length and Runner-Areas.
- Substantially improved Forced-Induction modeling and enhanced Compressor-Map displays.
- New Simulation Log error feedback; quickly diagnose component-combinations and other simulation issues.
- Confirm flow-bench data accuracy by viewing the displayed Coefficient of Discharge (CD) values calculated on the fly in the Port Flow dialog. Also graph CDs and Valve-Curtain Areas.
- Tables display Mass Flow (Lb/min or Kg/sec) for each RPM step; helpful in selecting best blowers or turbos for any application.
- New Program-Settings dialog let you set Wheel Horsepower conversion factor, color schemes, key clicks, and other program startup settings.
- Improved Units handling for US and Metric systems, plus a Hybrid Units Mode that displays Metric units for engine components and US units for power and torque!
- Atmospheric selections include 10 popular dyno-correction standards, or use custom values.
- Every aspect of the program has been enhanced, with our continued emphasis on ease of use.
- Imports all previous Dynomation (and other Motion engine simulation) files with error checking. Get up and running in no time!
- Purchase now and get the 2017 COMP Cams Lobe Profile Library (3500+ Profiles) FREE!
- Receive all future Dynomation6 program updates, including new features under development.
- And, we have your back with our top-notch Tech Support. Let us know how we can help!
What Makes
Dynomation-6 Unique:
- Dynomation-6 is a highly-refined engine simulation that considerably reduces the cost and time of engine development and testing.
- Analyzes induction runner lengths, taper angles, port areas, and cylinder-head flow, and much more.
- Investigate exhaust system primary and collector lengths and tubing diameters of virtually any header configuration!
- Performs exceptional analysis of camshaft lift, duration, centerline, and lobe-separation angles. Loads and tests lobe profile files, including CamPro, CamProPlus, S96, and CamDoctor cam profile files (3500+ supplied with software). Also loads and tests 10-point cam files (6000+ included with simulation).
- Imports Dynomation4 and 5 engine, cam and flow files. Upgrade and continue your development in minutes.
- Transfer Dynomation-6 engine files to DragSim and FastLapSim for track testing and further analysis.
- QuickIterator™ provides fast One-Button testing. Powerful ProIterator™ available for in-depth automated testing.
- “Look Inside” a running engine. View and analyze intake and exhaust flow! 3D Cutaway Engine shows mass flow, port velocities, pressures—synchronized to the crank-angle data displays.
Technical Specifications:
- Bores & Strokes (As Small 1.5-Inch Stroke And 2-Inch Bore). Dynomation-6 has a built-in menu library of nearly 1000 shortblocks! Or simply enter your own custom specs for any engine.
- Induction models include Domestic and Sport-Compact intake manifolds. Also includes 100+ Cylinder Head Flow Files; many more available online.
- Cylinderhead flow modeling supports 1, 2, or 3 Valves Per Port.
- CamManager™ visually displays cam timing, models Cam Acceleration. Imports CamPro, CamProPlus, S96, CamDoctor Cam Profile Files
- Supplied With Over 6000+ 10-Point CamFiles. All CamFiles Load Automatically In CamManager™!
- NOW Also Supplied With Over 3500+ FREE Cam Profile Files On A Separate CD! A full-featured Cam-Profile import dialog quickly sets up valve centerlines and directs the lobe data to an intake or exhaust lobe. Also import S96, CamPro, CamProPlus, Cam Doctor, DoctorDoctor, and other cam files!
- New Custom Colors and Graphics, QuickAccess™ dialog and calculator buttons, more engine data, 300+ page Color Users Manual
- Simulate 1-to-16 Cylinder, 4-Cycle Engines
- Graphs horsepower, torque, VE, engine pressures, flow rates, valve lift, ignition advance, and much more!
- Model several engines at once, perform side-by-side graphic comparisons with up to four engines; quickly determine the best setup in seconds!
- Test Detroit Iron, sport compact powerplants, stock or custom racing engines; just about any IC engine for any purpose.
- Test cylinderhead port flow and various lengths and runner designs. Choose specs from convenient menus or directly enter custom values.
- Test Turbos, Roots Blowers, Centrifugal Superchargers (100’s of built-in compressor maps)! Set Boost Pressure, Turbine Size, A/R Ratios, Rpm, Belt Ratios, Throttle Position, And More!
- Evaluate Intercooling with any forced induction system.
- Combine any induction with any fuel. Use Nitrous-Oxide Injection with Gasoline or Alcohol.
- Completely custom Windows interface with Easy-To-Use, DirectClick™ Menus, And Enhanced Graphics
- Graphs fully customizable; display/compare any engine variable. One rpm-based graph and three crank-angle based graphs.
- Analyze cylinder and manifold pressures, frictional losses, perform comprehensive technical analysis; export simulation results data to Excel.
- Accurate, State-Of-The-Art, and Fun To Use; Encourages “Play,” helps you discover new power potential!
System Requirements:
- A Windows-compatible PC with a CD-ROM drive (or you can request a package with a USB Thumb Drive for program installation).
- A fast system processor (recommended 3GHz or faster) will improve processing speeds; especially helpful for Wave-Action and Iterative testing. However, Dynomation will operate on any Windows system, regardless of processor speed.
- A USB Port for the Security Key required to run Dynomation-6.
- A minimum of 2GB of RAM (random access memory) for Windows Vista, Win7 and Win8 and Windows10.
- Fully compatible with Windows Vista, 7, 8 and Windows10 (32- and 64-bit). Earlier versions of Windows not supported.
- A video system capable of at least 1280 x 1024 or higher to optimize screen display of engine components and performance analysis graphics.
- Mouse
- Windows-Compatible Printer required for test reports